
PlanetGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) that focuses on efficient data collection and management and less on spatial analysis and design.

PlanetGIS is much faster than a typical GIS and this will be especially noticeable with very large datasets.

PlanetGIS is much easier to use than any other GIS if you only need the basics.

PlanetGIS will save you a lot of time if your main focus is on data collection and management.

PlanetGIS is a complete information system designed for teams in the field, at the office or working from home.

PlanetGIS Explorer is free, runs on Windows 10 or 11 and will allow you to easily:

  • Import shapefiles, KML/KMZ (Google Earth), DXF (from a CAD), GPX (from a GPS device), CSV (coordinates and information from a spreadsheet) and more.
  • Create maps with multiple views and themes based on information from your database.
  • Attach documents and photographs to features in your map and host these in the cloud.
  • Supply your work to your clients.

PlanetGIS Explorer can be licensed for a low fee to allow unlimited data capture and project organisation (e.g. adding your own data attributes). A licensed Explorer is referred to as Explorer+ and includes PlanetGIS Mobile for Windows tablets, which works great for data collection in the field.

The full version (simply, PlanetGIS) adds incredible power for designing a complete distributed database system for data collection, management, automated tasks, reporting and even a web interface for your information. (This entire website, including our invoicing and accounting system, is a PlanetGIS project that can be managed from anywhere, using PlanetGIS on a desktop.)

How Planet differs from other Geographic Information Systems

PlanetGIS started out in the mid-nineties as a simple and fast viewer for GIS projects and soon became a highly productive tool for capturing geographic features due to its rendering speed and simplicity. A user base then developed that relied on PlanetGIS as their sole GIS solution, which prompted the addition of cartographic (presentation) and analytical functionality to cater to this base.

Today, main-stream GIS solutions, despite their impressive analytical abilities in the spatial domain, do not provide a great environment for non-programmers to design information systems to support their projects. In many ways, PlanetGIS offers more in the I (Information) domain than the G (Geographic) domain.

Early versions used Microsoft Access databases. Then, Planet evolved to SQL databases (usually requiring a centralised server for the data). Recent versions, however, use SQL extensively without relying on an SQL server. Planet's approach to the database, in fact, has become radically different from how most systems work.

Most GIS solutions today require multiple technologies from various providers to be integrated in order to build a useful system. Planet, however, uses homegrown technologies that allow complete systems to be built without any other software except the operating system.

In summary, Planet is very different from anything else out there.

What Planet is ideally suited for

Planet's strength lies in its ability to create intricate data models that can be used to create detailed inventories of things in the material world or data models of complex systems in general. Planet is best suited to applications in support of the built environment, e.g., for cataloguing and managing the assets of governments and utilities.

What Planet is not ideally suited for

Except when used in conjunction with other tools, Planet is less suitable for theoretical or modelling applications and for designing systems or layouts that are yet to be built.

Getting Started

Planet has three very different types of users/uses:

  • Consumers of existing map-based information.
  • In-house simple GIS without the extravagant cost and learning curve.
  • Inventory data collection and management systems.

Based in South Africa and just looking for maps?

You will need to download and install PlanetGIS Explorer, in addition to some of our maps. Click here to start your journey.

Need to work with GIS data and have no idea where to start?

Do you have shapefiles or CAD drawings, or have you been doing GIS on Google Earth? We'll help you start your own GIS.

Comfortable with GIS, but looking for an alternative?

If you're familiar with a different product, you might be looking for something that is easier to use and perhaps more cost-effective. Planet isn't better than, say, ArcGIS or QGIS, but there are certain things that Planet does a whole lot better if you are prepared to make a radical change to your approach. Planet doesn't try to be an alternative to these products, but happens to be a good alternative in many situations. For some, it can be a great addition to their existing tools. (More information will be added soon.)

Looking at using Planet for a large data collection project?

Forget GIS and think about an information system that has location/mapping capabilities. Then prepare to be blown away by what can be done with Planet that will otherwise take a team of programmers to implement a custom solution in Arc or Q. (More information will be added soon.)